events at Liverpool First!
Souper Bowl Sunday
12:00 PM
604 Oswego Street Liverpool, NY 13088
A Souperbowl Sunday Luncheon will be held on Sunday, February 9th in Fellowship Hall immediately following the 11am Worship Service.
This event is hosted by Hospitality and Fellowship. Football bingo will take place after lunch.
Needle & Threaders
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
604 Oswego Street Liverpool, NY 13088
Needle & Threaders invites you for conversation and camaraderie with 3 alternatives to choose from.
1. PILLOWCASE PROJECT to make pillowcases for children receiving a first time ever bed from Sleep in Heavenly Peace and for new refugees being settled by Interfaith Works.
2. QUILT PROJECT to make prayer quilts for church
Coffee & Conversation
6:30 PM
604 Oswego Street Liverpool, NY 13088
Come to one or come to all! NEW topic(s) every week!
Come when you are able. We look forward to seeing you!
Needle & Threaders
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
604 Oswego Street Liverpool, NY 13088
Needle & Threaders invites you for conversation and camaraderie with 3 alternatives to choose from.
1. PILLOWCASE PROJECT to make pillowcases for children receiving a first time ever bed from Sleep in Heavenly Peace and for new refugees being settled by Interfaith Works.
2. QUILT PROJECT to make prayer quilts for church
Seniors - Valentine's Luncheon
11:30 AM - 3:00 PM
604 Oswego Street Liverpool, NY 13088
Valentine's Luncheon to be held in Fellowship Hall.
Menu: Hoffman Hotdogs & rolls, Baked Beans, Potato & Macaroni Salads, Kraut, Chips, Assorted Canned Sodas, Coffee & Hot Tea & Dessert.
Special Entertainment, a local favorite "ANTZ", a solo variety
Coffee & Conversation
6:30 PM
604 Oswego Street Liverpool, NY 13088
Come to one or come to all! NEW topic(s) every week!
Come when you are able. We look forward to seeing you!