Disciples Keep on Healing All


Sunday Worship - 11AM, communion 1st sunday of the month

Oct. 09, 2022


WELCOME TO LIVERPOOL FIRST UMC –Sunday Worship is at 10:00 am followed by Coffee and Conversation.  Pastor Ray is leading us through a series called “Disciples Don’t Stop”.  This week he considers how disciples “Keep on Healing All”.  Our service concludes with an anointing of oil and a laying on of hands for healing. In Luke 17:11-19, Jesus heals a group of lepers.  10 are healed but only one returns to offer thanks.  While we may not need to be healed of leprosy, each of us probably harbors some illness or poor thinking that hinders our living life well.  Maybe we don’t think we need to be healed so we don’t give thanks.  Either way, we should give thanks to God.  Socially we need healing.  Sometimes we exclude people for a variety of reasons.  Shouldn’t we seek to heal and wrap them in?  Let’s begin our Life in Christ anew!  Thank you, Jesus!  Come as you are and explore. YOU ARE WELCOME!