We All Need Help


Sunday Worship - 11AM, communion 1st sunday of the month

Dec. 04, 2022

WELCOME TO LIVERPOOL FIRST UMC –Sunday Worship is at 10:00 am followed by Coffee and Conversation.  Pastor Ray teaches from Matthew 3:1-12 in a message on this second Advent Sunday about Needing Help.  “We All Need Help.”  It’s okay to admit we just aren’t enough on our own to do the things of God.  John shows us the way.  He personifies surrendering the self to follow the way of Christ!  We can look to John for the courage to act similarly.  Oh, maybe we won’t wear goat’s hair in the wilderness, but we can simplify our lives and reduce our distractions and find Christ in the Way. 

This is The Way.  Let’s begin our Life in Christ anew! 

Thank you, Jesus! Come as you are and explore. YOU ARE WELCOME!