

Sunday Worship - 11AM, communion 1st sunday of the month

events at Liverpool First!

30 Mar

3rd Annual Dessert Auction & Luncheon

 12:00 PM

 604 Oswego Street Liverpool, NY 13088

3ND Annual Outreach sponsored Dessert Auction & LuncheonCalling All Creative Bakers & Dessert Makers and those who love to eat them! Sunday, March 30th–12 noon after Church in Fellowship Hall. Please Contact Joanne Hagner or Kay Phillips with questions.

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01 Apr

Needle & Threaders

 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

 604 Oswego Street Liverpool, NY 13088

Needle & Threaders invites you for conversation and camaraderie with 3 alternatives to choose from.

1. PILLOWCASE PROJECT to make pillowcases for children receiving a first time ever bed from Sleep in Heavenly Peace and for new refugees being settled by Interfaith Works.

2. QUILT PROJECT to make prayer quilts for church

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03 Apr

Seniors - Game Day

 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

 604 Oswego Street Liverpool, NY 13088

Game Days are in the Theatre Room downstairs.

(light refreshments will be served - you can bring your lunch if you want). We will play a variety of board games (we have many and you can bring your own). For those who do not enjoy the board games, I will have easy crafts to put together to give to residents at our loca

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03 Apr

Women's Bible Study

 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

 604 Oswego Street Liverpool, NY 13088

03 Apr

Bell Choir

 6:15 PM

 604 Oswego Street Liverpool, NY 13088

03 Apr

Praise & Worship Chorale

 7:15 PM

 604 Oswego Street Liverpool, NY 13088

08 Apr

Needle & Threaders

 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

 604 Oswego Street Liverpool, NY 13088

Needle & Threaders invites you for conversation and camaraderie with 3 alternatives to choose from.

1. PILLOWCASE PROJECT to make pillowcases for children receiving a first time ever bed from Sleep in Heavenly Peace and for new refugees being settled by Interfaith Works.

2. QUILT PROJECT to make prayer quilts for church

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10 Apr

Women's Bible Study

 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

 604 Oswego Street Liverpool, NY 13088

10 Apr

Bell Choir

 6:15 PM

 604 Oswego Street Liverpool, NY 13088

10 Apr

Praise & Worship Chorale

 7:15 PM

 604 Oswego Street Liverpool, NY 13088

15 Apr

Needle & Threaders

 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

 604 Oswego Street Liverpool, NY 13088

Needle & Threaders invites you for conversation and camaraderie with 3 alternatives to choose from.

1. PILLOWCASE PROJECT to make pillowcases for children receiving a first time ever bed from Sleep in Heavenly Peace and for new refugees being settled by Interfaith Works.

2. QUILT PROJECT to make prayer quilts for church

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17 Apr

Women's Bible Study

 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

 604 Oswego Street Liverpool, NY 13088

17 Apr

Bell Choir

 6:15 PM

 604 Oswego Street Liverpool, NY 13088

17 Apr

Praise & Worship Chorale

 7:15 PM

 604 Oswego Street Liverpool, NY 13088

18 Apr

Good Friday Cross Walk

 12:00 PM

 604 Oswego Street Liverpool, NY 13088

Calling all faithful and those seeking to know God! Join us in a Community Good Friday Walk of the Cross as we carry the cross, declare the gospel, and sing familier Christian songs. We will gather on the front steps of the Liverpool First UMC on April 18th at 12 Noon, hear a Scripture reading, pray the Lord’s P

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