Opportunities To Serve at Liverpool First
The church always needs partners in faith to give freely of their Time, Talent, and Resources. We are instructed to contribute to the church (1 Peter 4:10) and by doing will offer works of labor and love (Hebrews 6:10). Several of our serving opportunities are suspended due to COVID-19. Check with the church office for available opportunities.
Sunday Morning Greeters — 11:00 am
Be the first “smile of LFUMC” people encounter on Sunday morning. Represent God’s welcome to guests and friends old and new at the church door, direct them toward Discover Zone children’s programs, Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, restrooms, etc.
Sunday Morning Ushers — 11:00 am
Share in the ministry of welcoming the stranger as well as friends, distributing programs, helping find seats, large print bulletins, hearing assistance, hymnals in Braille, etc.
Sunday Morning Hospitality
Share in the ministry of serving others before Sunday church services by offering refreshments and a smile to members and guests of our church.
Children’s Ministry — Sundays 11:00 am (additional opportunities exist throughout the year)
- Sunday School: Every minute you give matters in the life of a child! Help monthly, weekly, or occasionally. Lead a class, assist a teacher, welcome families, be a hall shepherd. There are additional opportunities during VBS in July.
- Nursery & Child Care: Assist in our loving nursery! We have opportunities for folks to serve the youngest of our church. We intend to resume offering nursery care at our 11 am service. At this time, due to COVID-19, parents are encouraged to care for their own. The Nursery room is open for their use.
- Occasionally we also offer events & programs throughout the year that require us to offer child care for families attending the events. If you have a heart for children this is a wonderful opportunity to serve!
- Call or email the church office for details. Safe Sanctuary Policies apply.
Administrative Help
These volunteers work behind the scenes and offer support to the church staff. Several opportunities to serve exist at different frequencies (monthly, weekly, quarterly, or on an as-needed basis). Opportunities include data entry, stuffing/addressing envelopes, and answering the phones. If you would be interested in serving in this ministry, contact Michele D'Eredita at 315–457-5180
Prayer Partners — An email prayer chain is available.
Congregational Caregivers
Visiting the sick and infirm is a Christian ministry one can take up at any age. Share Christian conversations and prayer with our homebound members and friends who can no longer join us on Sundays. Contact the church office for more information.
Prayer Quilt Ministry — Tuesdays 10 am (Tentative due to COVID-19)
We make lap-sized patchwork quilts to bring beauty and comfort to members and friends of Liverpool First UMC who are injured or ill. Quilters of all abilities are welcome!