Wise Men Seek, Kings Tremble


Sunday Worship - 11AM, communion 1st sunday of the month

Jan. 02, 2022

Join us as we consider Matthew 2:1-12 - the Wise men and the season of Epiphany. Pastor Ray's message is titled,  "Wise Men Seek While Kings Tremble." Epiphany is a sudden appearance of a thought, person, or event. But it is also a broad calling. A calling to hospitality and to expand our tribal tents and closed social circles. It is a calling to recognize and include those who hear God’s call upon their heart – even if they don’t yet recognize the call as being from God. The truth is, we all long for completeness. We all have a God-shaped void in our hearts that yearns to be filled. Let's recognize each other's doubt and loneliness and open our arms to Him who gives the sign. Have hope and see!